Emergency Preparedness
& Safety Resources
Natural Disasters/Emergencies

Natural Disasters and Recovery

Hurricane Preparedness Checklist

Government Agency Resources

老牛影视Strategic Partners

Heat Stress Prevention

How To Stay Safe in Extreme Heat

Construction is highly labor-intensive, and nothing gets done without our highly skilled and dedicated workforce. While standards tend to treat everyone equally, construction workers are not equally affected by heat those with certain health conditions or circumstances are more susceptible to heat illness. Thus, requirements designed for the least affected workers might not be sufficient to protect those at higher risk. One size does not fit all.

The ramification is that members need to proactively engage this complexity with flexibility. It comes down to equipping and empowering a crew leader to know the crew on a personal level, check in with them frequently and act with appropriate care. It requires pre-planning and could also include increased rest/water/shade, starting/finishing earlier, and modifying the workflow to perform highest -heat work during the cooler part of the day, especially during times of extreme heat. Final planning at the jobsite should include an open discussion during the daily huddle at the beginning of each shift to ensure each crew member has input on the plan, has buy-in to follow the plan, understands the need to watch out for one another and knows they must communicate any early symptom of heat illness quickly.

老牛影视has many resources on the subject, including webinars. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the National Safety Council also have tips for staying safe in extreme heat and during the summer in general.

Check out the resources below for more information.

2022 Webinar

Governmental Agency Quick Links

Worker Safety and Health Resources for Hurricane and Flood Cleanup and Recovery
Last updated: April 21, 2023
For questions and assistance with this resource list and the linked documents, please contact Christopher Lawver, DTSEM/OEMP, at (202) 693-1985.

*Denotes non-OSHA produced product.

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  • 30-Second Public Service Announcement on Flooding English: | , Spanish: |

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  • (Publication 3166) | (Publication 3168)
  • (Publication 3435) | (Publication 3436)
  • Prevent Heat Illness at Work (Publication 4135); (Publication 4135SP)
  • Hazard Alert: Prevent Heat Illness at Work (Publication 3975- 07R); (Publication 4067-07R)
  • Heat (web page)
  • Public Service Announcements English: | and Spanish: |

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  • 30-Second Public Service Announcement on Electrical - English: | , Spanish: |

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  • 30-Second Public Service Announcement on Chain Saws - English: | , Spanish: |

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  • 30-Second Public Service Announcement on Mold - English: | , Spanish: |


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